Details of Parents and Children to be
Accommodated at the centre:
We accept families with learning difficulties, mental health, drug, alcohol misuse, and domestic violence.
We also accept vulnerable expectant mothers whose pre-birth the local authority has assessed to be at risk and support them through their pre-birth by giving information, advice, guidance and counselling until the birth of the child.
We also consider a couple being assessed together in agreement with social services. We liaise with and refer to specialist agencies where necessary.
Full details of referral history are discussed with the referring Social Worker or agency. Referrals must in the first instance be discussed with and approved by the Manager. Admissions are therefore pre-planned and the family is supported to visit the centre prior to admission.
A risk assessment is undertaken which determines whether it is feasible for the parent to begin an assessment with Chariteens.
We will conduct an initial in-depth assessment and formulate one which will include integrating the care plan between the client and social worker and revising and updating the stated objectives, and more importantly to ensure that the plans are understood by all parties.
We will conduct an in-depth Parental Assessment which will focus on the client’s ability to learn and develop adequate parenting skills and to adapt those skills to new situations.
The centre will consider referrals of parents who have a known history of drug misuse or known to display challenging behaviour but are receiving and responding well to rehabilitation programmes at the time of the referral.
No parent is accepted into the Centre if there is a potential risk to the safety of the children, other parents or staff. The centre will endeavour to closely monitor the family and continuously review the risk assessment and devise an initial management plan to cover the first 24hours.
Age Range:
Parents : 13 years and above
Children : 0 months up to 5 years.
Maximum Number of Resident : Six (6) Families.
For all planned admissions, Chariteens and the referring agency, usually social services will make arrangements for the family to visit the centre prior to admission. This is to familiarize with the centre; be introduced to staff and management and other parents and families already living in the centre. This gives the family an opportunity to view the centre, get information about the centre and its services and make their views known regarding being placed at the centre. The staff will also get an opportunity to spend time with the family and get a better assessment of their needs.
A placement planning meeting is held prior to the placement or on the day of the placement. This is to agree an individual programme for the family (family placement plan) based on the placing authority’s assessment of the needs and should identify the purpose and scope of the residential assessment of parenting skill and capacity and any support the centre will provide.
The centre will arrange with the placing authority a review of the placement within 72 hours. This is to assess if the placement is suitable for the family and if not to move the family to a more suitable placement. The views and wishes of the family regarding the placement are also taken into consideration.
During the parents’ stay, staffs promote contact with their families, siblings, significant others.
Staff are also expected to provide appropriate support to families to acquire skills that will help them care safely for their children and promote their welfare after leaving the centre (post residential), e.g. parenting skills, emotional resilience and self-esteem.
The centre will implement a ‘leaving the family centre plan’ (for planned and emergency departures) that clearly states the strengths and achievements; any follow up and re-settlement support that the family might need. The plan’s main focus will be on ensuring the safety of the child.